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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Seven Hells Reader - GoT Prologue Ch 1 - 2

Join Jim, Matt, and Dan in order of success at maintaining functional alcoholism, as we conduct a close reading of the prologue and first two chapters of the first Game of Thrones novel.  We discuss shiny armor, Westerosi lore, and can help but take a few jabs at D & D (never forget).  All this and more as we prove that he who passes the judgement must swing the ax in the latest episode of Seven Hells.

Friday, May 24, 2019

S08E06 - The Iron Throne

Join Jim, Matt, & Dan (in order of who bit down on the cyanide tablet first during the airing of this episode) as we discuss all things Game of Thrones S08E06 - The Iron Throne. Topics include but are not limited to squandered opportunities, regret, and longing for what could have been. All this and so much more as we find positions we aren't qualified for on the small council in the latest 7 Hells:  A Game of Thrones Podcast.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

S08E05 - The Bells

Join Jim, Matt, & Dan (in order of degree of how ruined our character arcs would be if we were GoT characters) as we discuss all things Game of Thrones S08E05 - The Bells. Topics include but are not limited to mental illness, unearned and sloppy character ends, and oh golly just the spectacle of it all. All this and so much more as we find a cozy nook to hide from the dragons fire in the latest 7 Hells:  A Game of Thrones Podcast.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

S08E04 - The Last of the Starks

Join Jim, Matt, & Dan (in order of concern over sleeping with their aunt, if Emilia Clarke was their aunt) as we discuss all things Game of Thrones S08E04 - The Last of the Starks. Topics include but are not limited to how to keep a secret, how to know you've overstayed your welcome at a party, and musings on what Brienne is like down there. All this and so much more as we light the pyre for the hope this would be a good season in the latest 7 Hells:  A Game of Thrones Podcast.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

S08E03 - The Long Night

Join Jim, Matt, & Dan (in order of ability to adjust the brightness settings on their television) as we discuss all things Game of Thrones S08E03 - The Long Night. Topics include but are not limited to 'Who?', 'Where?', 'Huh?', 'What?', and most of all 'WTF?'. All this and so much more as exam certain life choices in the latest 7 Hells:  A Game of Thrones Podcast.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

S08E02 - A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Join Jim, Matt, & Dan (in order of importance to Jaime Lannister in terms of a renion) as we discuss all things Game of Thrones S08E02 - A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. Topics include but are not limited to getting hit right in the feels, how Podrick has made us feel inferior as men, better uses of Davos's time, and what constitutes tasteful nudity. All this and so much more as we muse over our death list in the latest 7 Hells:  A Game of Thrones Podcast.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Seven Hells Podcast - S08E01 Winterfell

Join Jim & Matt (in descending order of reluctance to accept our royal birthright) as they discuss all things Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Winterfell. Topics include but are not limited to the way that the Westerosi population became dominant brown eyed, the best way for Daenerys to solidify power in the north (obviously nudity could work again), and cisgendered middle-aged white males discuss the power dynamics as portrayed by the female characters, because 'we know girl'.  All this and so much more as we wait for an old friend in the courtyard in the latest 7 Hells Podcast.